Thursday, November 26, 2009

Help with computer

I have a new laptop which is wonderful........
except I cannot load my embroidery software.
I am posting a picture of my screen with error in the hope
that someone out there might be able to help me.

This screen pops up after the restart and request that I insert the dongle.

It is verifying the security device in the background but in the
forefront shows an error as follows:
Can not find or run command"
I have to cancel the installation.
My technician says he has never encountered this error.

Please someone help!!


Monday, November 9, 2009

Up and running

The reason for no posts is ...........
a new computer!
My design wall is almost empty except for one lonely Sunbonnet Cathryn!

The sunbonnets have all their borders on and I have run out of fabric.

The signature blocks also need more blue,
so a quick trip to Hillcrest and Westville is necessary.

I am hoping to go on Thursday
Until next week
Happy sewing